Oct.2022 - Present | PhD Course, The University of Tokyo |
Sept.2020 - Sept.2022 | Master's Course, The University of Tokyo |
Sept.2015 - June.2019 | Zhejiang University |
Research Interests
- Energy harvesting
- Power management circuit
- Low-power analog IC design
- Zehan Shi, Yiran Liu, 三好 智也, 鈴木 雄二,「回転型2相エレクトレットエネルギーハーベスタのためのセルフパワーSECE回路」第12回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, MN1-11P2-19, 2021年11月9日-11月11日.
- Liu, Y., Shi, Z. (equal contribution), Badel, A., Miyoshi, T., and Suzuki, Y., “Self-powered Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction Rectifier for Rotational Electret Energy Harvester with Dual-stage Electrodes,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 38, No. 10, (2023), pp. 13166-13180. (doi:10.1109/TPEL.2023.3296709)
- Watching footbal
- Photography